School Fee

K1-K3 Whole Day Class (2023/24 school year)

Monthly tuition: $385 for children with Registration Certificate for Kindergarten

Admission (after the deduction of subsidy under the Scheme) and Meals: $258

Total:$643/month (12 installments per year)

(Parents in need may apply for a subsidy from the Student Financial Assistance Agency.


K1-K3 Morning Class (2023/24 school year)

Full fee-waiving for children with Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission, after deducting the government subsidies under the KG education scheme.


N1 Whole Day Class (2023/24 school year)

Monthly tuition $1306

Meals $525

Total $1831

12 installments per year


N1 Morning Class (2023/24 school year)

Monthly tuition $1922

12 installments per year


N1 Afternoon Class (2023/24 school year)

Monthly tuition $1815

12 installments per year




1st Semester Textbook Fee in the 2022/23 School Year









Extended service hours fees




Occasional Child Care Service

$16 / 2 hours

Occasional child care Meal fee $6



Uniform fees

Summer uniform fees:

Boys uniform: $100 per set

Girls uniform dress:  $100 each

Summer sports uniform (unisex): $100 per set

Student jacket(unisex): $105 each

School bag: $120 each

Quilt storage bag: $60 each